Important for New Business Founders

Its tough being a founder…

How do you learn the lessons you need to start, grow and get funding for your new business?

Sure there are thousands of blogs, education sites like Udemy and speakers on the Ted circuit but me..personally…I like watching and sometime modeling what other, successful entrepreneurs and founders do.

Take the Video Genesis launch for example…

Andy Jenkins and Mike Filsaime have successfully launched products making millions of dollars…

Why is that relevant?

Because if there are two people you should watch…in action…and learn from when it comes to launching a new product, service or company online. Its Andy and Mike…

So, I recommend you take a look at this launch. Sign up, take a step back and keep a careful watch of all the moving pieces. See how they do it. And when it comes to using video as part of a launch (which is what Video Genesis is all about…you’ll also lear some valuable lessons about that too…)

Sure you could go watch some really smart person on a Ted stage talking about product launch…or you could jump into one, and make sure you watch all the levers, the psychological triggers, the moving pieces and see it done for real.

Its you call. Video Genesis Launch.

All the best


PS – Video Genesis Launch Link

Quick favor!

Andrew here, I’ll be giving more updates in just a little bit, but first I need to ask you a favor.
I am very close to finishing my course work for “Funding Academy”. I’ve been working on this for the past eighteen months and will be releasing the product early next month, but before I do, I have to ask you a couple of really quick questions. Can you help me out?
You can answer the questions here and get a little more detail on Funding Academy here.
PS – Help with a Super Quick Question

Product Launch Formula Videos and Blueprint: Closing Soon

You have probably been watching this product launch and wondering if its for you?

The short answer is – if you think you’re thinking about launching a product or a company online at some point in the next twelve months then this course really is a ‘must have’.

Jeff Walker is the absolute #1 guy in this area and his experience translates to an invaluable set of resources.

Highly recommended.

Go check it out!

Product Launch Formula Videos
